Previous E&E Congresses

have been held in Strasbourg
in 1996, Barcelona in 2000, Vienna in 2004 and in Copenhagen in 2008.

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the organizers



  See photos from the 3rd & 4th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress


  Click here to register your
e-mail address


     Invitation to Register

  Click here to download the brochure

     Istanbul Movie

  Click here to watch


Notes to Consider

  • As the official organiser of the 5th Euroasphalt and Eurobitume Congress, Figur Congress Organization is offering special reduced rates for various hotels in İstanbul.
  • Rates quoted are per room, per night and include breakfast and VAT.
  • Any change re the taxes will be reflected upon the prices.
  • Rooms are available from Tuesday on the 12th of June until Saturday 16th of June 2012 unless otherwise stated.

Directions From Hotels to Congress Center

List & Prices of the Hotels

  Hotel Name Single Room Double Room Walking Distance
A: Lütfı Kırdar Congress Center
B: Ramada Plaza
261.-Euro 261.-Euro Approxiametly 8-10 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
C: Elite World
249.-Euro 273.-Euro Approxiametly 8-10 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
D: Nippon
216.-Euro 238.-Euro Approxiametly 8-10 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
D: Nippon
190.-Euro 216.-Euro Approxiametly 8-10 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
E: Point Hotel Taksim
190.-Euro 216.-Euro Approxiametly 8-10 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
F: Konak
178.-Euro 202.-Euro Approxiametly 5 -8 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
G: Taksim Hill
173.-Euro 197.-Euro Approxiametly 10-15 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
H: Taksim Gönen
162.-Euro 178.-Euro Approxiametly 8-10 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
I: Germir Palas
143.-Euro 166.-Euro Approxiametly 8-10 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
J: Taksim Metro Park
143.-Euro 166.-Euro Approxiametly 10-15 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A
K: Titanic City Hotel
190.-Euro 214.-Euro Approxiametly 8-10 minute walking distance to the congress center in point A

Payment Methods And Procedures

Credit Card

Visa, Eurocard and MasterCard are the only credit cards accepted. Please enter all relevant information on the system. İt is also imperative that the credit cardholder’s name is clearly mentioned if it differs from the registrant’s name.

Bank Transfer
Bank fees are the sole responsibility of the registrant and should be paid in addition to the hotel booking costs. The bank transfer must clearly state the name of the congress and the name of the participant, as unidentified bank transfers cannot be processed. Bank transfer made in Euro to Figür Congress Services.

  • Bank charges are the responsibility of the participant and should be paid at source in addition to the registration and accommodation fees.
  • Please make sure the name of the congress and the participant are stated on the bank transfer.
  • Each participant will receive an individual confirmation, indicating the reservation details and name of the hotel. Hotel reservations will be confirmed only after receiving the bank receipt as a proof of your payment within a week from the day of booking.
  • Please note that if you prefer to pay via credit card, the system might direct you to 3D Security System.

Group Accommodation
For group accommodation (10 rooms or more), Figür Congress Services has blocked hotel rooms in all categories. For further information please contact the housing agency at +90 212 381 46 00 or If payment is made for more than one person or by a company, please make sure that all names are properly indicated.

Account Details:
Account name : Figür Kongre Organizasyonlari ve Tic. A.Ş.
Bank : Garanti Bankasi
Branch name and number : Valikonagi Branch 183
Account number : 908 81 76 (Euro)
Swift Code : TGBATRIS 183
Iban number : TR51 0006 2000 1830 0009 0881 76

Within one week of receipt of your reservation form and hotel deposit, you will receive a confirmation of your hotel reservation by e-mail, including the name and address of your hotel and the costs per night. If you have not received a confirmation one week after payment of your hotel deposit, please contact the housing agency at or by phone +90 212 381 46 00

Accommodation Cancellation Policy

All changes/cancellations must be received in writing by fax or email to Figur Congress Organization.

  1. Cancellations before the deadline for accommodations will be fully refunded within a month if a written cancellation is received by Figur Congress Service before 31st of March,2012
  2. For cancellation requests recieved after 31st of March,2012 a %50 cancellation fee will be applied and the refunds will be handled after the Congress.
  3. Cancellations will not be accepted after the 13th of May, 2012
  4. Name changes are possible if received less than 5 days prior to arrival.

Housing Agency
Figür Congress Services
Ms. Banu Adiguzel
Ayazmaderesi Cad. Karadut Sok. No. 7
Dikilitas / Besiktas
İstanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90 212 381 46 00
Fax: +90 212 258 60 78



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